SR850 DSP Lock-In Amplifier
RDAT 6-18 Recall the Trace Data from the file specified by FNAM to the active display's trace buffer.
RSET 6-18 Recall the Settings from the file specified by FNAM.
SETUP page description
OUTX (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Output Interface to RS232 (0) or GPIB (1).
OVRM (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the GPIB Overide Remote state to Off (0) or On (1).
KCLK (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Key Click to Off (0) or On (1).
ALRM (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Alarms to Off (0) or On (1).
THRS (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Hours to 0≤ i ≤ 23.
TMIN (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Minutes to 0 ≤ i ≤ 59.
TSEC (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Seconds to 0 ≤ i ≤ 59.
DMTH (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Month to 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 12.
DDAY (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Day to 1 ≤ 1 ≤ 31.
DYRS (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Year to 0 ≤ 1 ≤ 99.
PLTM (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Plotter Mode to RS232 (0) or GPIB (1).
PLTB (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Plotter Baud Rate to 300 (0), 1200 (1), 2400 (2), 4800 (3), 9600 (4).
PLTA (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Plotter GPIB Address to 0 ≤ i ≤ 30.
PLTS (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Plot Speed to Fast (0) or Slow (1).
PNTR (?) {i} 6-19 Set (Query) the Trace Pen Number to 1 ≤ i ≤ 6.
PNGD (?) {i} 6-20 Set (Query) the Grid Pen Number to 1 ≤ i ≤ 6.
PNAL (?) {i} 6-20 Set (Query) the Alphanumeric Pen Number to 1 ≤ i ≤ 6.
PNCR (?) {i} 6-20 Set (Query) the Cursor Pen Number to 1 ≤ i ≤ 6.
PRNT (?) {i} 6-20 Set (Query) the Printer Type to Epson (0), HP (1) or File (2).
PRINT AND PLOT page description
PRSC 6-21 Print the screen. Same as the [PRINT] key.
PALL 6-21 Plot the display(s).
PTRC 6-21 Plot the trace(s) only.
PCUR 6-21 Plot the cursor(s) only.
AUTO FUNCTIONS page description
STRT 6-22 Start or continue a scan. Same as [START/CONT] key.
PAUS 6-22 Pause a scan. Does not reset a paused or done scan.
REST 6-22 Reset the scan. All stored data is lost.
ASCL 6-11 Auto Scale the active display.
ATRC (?) {i} 6-22 Set (Query) the active display to Top (0) or Bottom (1). Full screen is always active.
AGAN 6-22 Auto Gain function. Same as pressing the [AUTO GAIN] key.
ARSV 6-22 Auto Reserve function. Same as pressing the [AUTO RESERVE] key.
APHS 6-22 Auto Phase function. Same as pressing the [AUTO PHASE] key.
AOFF i 6-22 Auto Offset X,Y or R (i=1,2,3).
CMAX 6-22 Move Cursor to Max or Min. Same as pressing the [CURSOR MAX/MIN] key.
DATA TRANSFER page description
OUTP? i 6-23 Query the value of X (1), Y (2), R (3) or θ (4). Returns ASCII floating point value.
OUTR? i 6-23 Query the value of Trace i (1,2,3,4). Returns ASCII floating point value.
OAUX? i 6-23 Query the value of Aux Input i (1,2,3,4). Returns ASCII floating point value.
SPTS? i 6-23 Query the number of points stored in Trace i (1,2,3,4).
TRCA? i,j,k 6-23 Read k≥1 points starting at bin j≥0 from trace i (1,2,3,4) in ASCII floating point.
TRCB? i,j,k 6-23 Read k≥1 points starting at bin j≥0 from trace i (1,2,3,4) in IEEE binary floating point.
TRCL? i,j,k 6-24 Read k≥1 points starting at bin j≥0 from trace i (1,2,3,4) in non-normalized binary floating point.
FAST (?) {i} 6-25 Set (Query) Fast Data Transfer Mode On (1 or 2) or Off (0).On will transfer binary X and Y eve-
ry sample during a scan over the GPIB interface.
STRD 6-25 Start a scan after 0.5sec delay. Use with Fast Data Transfer Mode.