1 (one)
Start defining macro. Creates a new macro with the last specified
macro number. This macro will be temporary; to make it perma-
nent use <ESC> &f 10X after your definition. The printer will
make a macro of the sequence of commands that follow this one,
until it gets the command to stop defining the macro.
Stop defining macro.
macro, changing printer parameters according to what its com-
mands say. (The printer parameters are those you might also set
from the control panel.) When the macro is done, the print
position will bejust where it was before you ran the macro.
Call macro. This option also makes the printer run the last
specified macro. But before it runs the macro it saves the current
parameters, and then restores them when the macro is finished.
Again, when the macro is done the print position will be just
where it was before you ran the macro.
Turn on automatic macro. This option automatically runs the last
specified macro on every page you print. You can use this option
to reproduce the samedesign on each page (a logo or form design
perhaps). You can have more than one automatic macro. As with
the “call macro” option, this one saves current parameters and
print position, and restores them when the macro is finished. An
automatic macro will terminate ifyou change orientation or page
Turn off automatic macro.“Startingwith the current page, this
option terminates the last specified automatic macro.
Delete all macros. This option removes all macros and automatic
macros fromprinter memory — evenmacrosyou have defined as
permanent with option 10 below.