
The information in this section enables you to achieve the following results
in your programs:
Use absolute and relative coordinates when plotting.
Draw 1ines, arcs, and circles.
. Enc’odecoordinates to greatly increase your printer’s throughput.
a c
AA xc, JC,angle [,chord angle ;]
where xc indicatesthe x-coordinate of center of arc, yc isthe y-coordinate of
center of arc. angle is the angular size of arc, from –360 to +360, and the
chord angle is the angle subtended by chord, from ().5 to 180.
This command draws an arc usingabsolutecoordinatesfrom the current pen
position,as specified. After drawing thearc, thecurrent pen position isat the
end of the arc.
r c
AR d.w, d?’c,an<qle[,chord atl<yle;]
where d.m indicates the x-coordinate of center of arc relative to the current
location, dvc is the y-coordinate of center of arc relative to the current
location, angle is the angular size of arc, from –360 to +360, and the chord
angle is the angle subtended by chord. from 0.5 to 180.
This command draws an arc using relative coordinates from the current pen
position,as specified. After drawing thearc, thecurrent pen position is at the
end of the arc.