w c
}~idtll[.pen ;]
This command specifies a new width for the logical pen.
The default pen width is0.35 mlmor 1Ycofthe distance PI to P2. A width of
Osets the thinnest line possible (one dot).
Metric.widths are scaled by the ratio [size of picture franle]/[plot size].
If the pen number isnot specified, the new width is applied to both. If neither
pen Oor 1is specified. the command is ignored.
This command does notaffect thecharacter stroke width, with the exception
of stick characters with stroke weight = 9999.
R f d c
ind(’.t,Ltidtlz.Izeiglzt,,twn /. petl, .pen ;]
This command defines u rectangular pattern that maybe used as area fill and
for screened vectors (lines).
Without parameters, this command resets all fill patterns to sold fill. With
only one parameter, it resets the indicated pattern to solid fill.
With all parameters specified, itdefines a raster imageconsistingof ‘height’
rows. each containing “width’dots.
S m c
SM c [
This command designates the Charactel”to be used as a marker or symbol.
Symbols are used only in conjunction with PA. PD, PE, PR and PU
commands (a symbol is drawn at the point(s) specified by these commands,
regardless of’the state of the pen).
( parameter can bc any character with decimal codes 33-58,
60-126.161 and254.Ifthe(17~[)-[~cr[rpal”a[lleterisnotinthe specifiedrange.
the symbol mode is canceled; otherwise
c symbol is drawn as if it
was a character in a label. centered at the point.