
2.1.4 How to change parameters
With the printer offline, if you press the [PROGRAM] button the printer goes
into “program” mode. You can then step through the laser printer’s four
levels of program menu to configure your printer. That’s the process of
changing certain printer settings so your computer and printer can commu-
nicate properly.
It’s actually pretty easy. Flipping through and setting parameters from the
panel isdescribed in detail in the Star LaserPt”inter4111OperationsManual.
Basically, all you do is press the [<]or [>] buttons to scroll through the se-
quence of possible parameters and values, which is clearly shown on the
panel display. You press [v] when you want to go down and scroll through
a lower menu level. And youalsopress
[A]when you want to saveaparticular
menu item as the value for a current parameter setting.
The two last menu headings let you load one version of the parameters into
another version. One moves the current parameter values into user default
parameters. The final menu option goes the other way, letting you load the
factory parameter settings as your current settings.
4111itself works. The INTERFACE parameter controls communications
between the printer and your computer. You can set the INTERFACE
parameters on the control panel.
2.2.1 The l/VTERFACEparameter
The INTERFACE parameter, the most basic of the Star LaserPrinter 4111’s
configuration settings, defines how your computer connects to the printer.
You can set the INTERFACE to either Serial or Parallel. In most single-
computer environments you’lloptfor the faster Parallel interface; in a multi-
user network you may be better off with Serial.
The particular printer interface settings don’t matter as much asmaking sure
they match those on your computer. If you use an MS-DOS computer, you
can”set your computer’s parameters with the MODE command. See your
MS-DOS manual.