Sun Microsystems 220R Server User Manual

hostname% su
password: password
2. To retrieve the client software via FTP, follow these steps.
a. Activate the FTP program by typing this command:
# ftp servername
Where servername is the hostname of the AnswerBook2 server.
b. The FTP program will request that you type in your user name and
Name: username
Password: password
c. While in the FTP environment, type these commands:
ftp> binary
ftp> get /smtvtmp/smtv.tar /tmp/smtv.tar
ftp> bye
The FTP program will close.
3. To extract the contents of the smtv.tar file, type:
# tar -xvf /tmp/smtv.tar /tmp
4. Install the ShowMe TV package. Type:
# pkgadd -d /tmp SUNWsmtvh SUNWsmtvr SUNWsmtvu
The packages are installed in your /opt directory by default; however, the
pkgadd command gives you the option to select a directory other than /opt.
Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual January 2000, Revision A