
Data Field Characters, PGL Barcodes, 211
Data Fields, Buffered Forms, 99
Data Formats of Barcode Types, 235
Code 11, 238
Code 128, 252
Code 2/5 Industrial, 236
Code 2/5 Interleaved, 237
code 2/5 matrix, 235
Code 39, Code 39, Data Formats of Barcode
Types, 240
Code BCD Matrix, 239
Code Delta Distance, 251
Code EAN 13 with HRI, 244
Code EAN 13 without HRI, 245
Code EAN 8 with HRI, 242
Code EAN 8 without HRI, 243
Code MSI/Modify Plessey, 246
Code UPC A with HRI, 247
Code UPC A without HRI, 248
Code UPC E with HRI, 249
Code UPC E without HRI, 250
EAN 128, 257
German, 264
Large Character Printing, 263
US Postnet Barcode, 262
US-ASCII LCP Character Set, 264
Data Processing, PY/PN, 297
Data Types, Special Function Control
Character, 154
Data, Repeating, 89
Default Font Selection, 43
Delete Form Command, PGL Commands, 191
Delete Logo Command, PGL Commands, 191
Density Command, PGL Commands, 192
Density, barcodes, 62
Descender Mode, 33
Descender Mode, character printing, 32
Descender Mode, reverse image, 33
Descender Parameter, Graphic Category, 295
Directory Command, PGL Commands, 192
Dot Slew, Positioning Data, 87
Double Density (^D) Examples, Block
Characters, 143
double-density printing, Special Function Control
Character, 154
Draft Fonts, 44
Dump Mode, character printing, 45
Duplication Commands, PGL Commands, 167, 169
Dynamic Incremented Alphanumeric Strings, PGL
Commands, 166
EAN 128, Data Formats of Barcode Types, 257
EAN 13, PGL Barcode Commands, 219
EAN 8, PGL Barcode Commands, 218
EAN-13, Barcode, 139
EAN-8, Barcode, 140
EMBARC Barcode, 81
Emulation Limitations, Barcodes, 130
Entering Barcode, Industrial Graphics
Application, 122
EXECUTE Mode, PGL Commands, 172
Exit CREATE Mode, PGL Commands, 172
Exiting Barcode/Block Character Mode, Industrial
Graphics Application, 123
Expanded Print Command, PGL Commands, 193
Font/Quality Speed, 44
Full Space Font Mode, 44
Half Space Font Mode, 45
High Quality Font Mode, 44
Fonts, 277
^~FF Draft, 280
^~FF NLQ, 281
^~FF OCR-A, 282
^~FF OCR-B, 282
^~FH Draft, 283
^~FH NLQ, 284
^~FH OCR-A, 285
^~FH OCR-B, 285
^~FQ Draft, 277
^~FQ NLQ, 278
^~FQ OCR-A, 279
^~FQ OCR-B, 279