Phaser 480X Color Printer
Printing from a PC: Windows
Make sure that the Windows printer driver has been installed.
Click on the Printer Setup command from the File menu (or the
similar command in your application). Select Tek Phaser 480X
(TekColor) from the list. If you have previously set the printer as
the default printer, it will already be selected on the list.
Use the Setup dialog box to select the paper size and other
printing options.
Click on the Options button to display the Options dialog box.
Click on the Printer Features button to display the Tektronix
Printer Features dialog box.
Use the Tektronix Printer Features dialog box to select
TekColor color corrections and media type (Paper or
Use the Combine Separations check box if you are printing
color separations from one of the supported applications and
you want to print the separations as a single Þle. Once you
mark the check box, you can select your application from the
pulldown list.
Make sure that you load the same type of media in the paper tray
that you select in the printer driver. Failure to do so will result in
a ruined image: selecting Paper and printing on transparency
causes washed-out colors; selecting Transparency and printing
on paper causes over-saturated (dark) colors.
If the Printer Features button does not appear in the Options
dialog box, the Tektronix Windows driver probably is not
installed or the Phaser 480X has not been selected.
For details on the Tektronix driver, refer to the Phaser 480X Drivers and
Utilities Printing Reference.