Telect MIX 56 Network Card User Manual

4 Software Operation MIX 56 User Manual
4-44 Telect, Inc. 122188-10 A0
Step Action
1. From the Directory screen, type 8 to select Alarm Thresholds and
press Enter.
The Alarm Thresholds screen appears.
2. To set an alarm threshold, tab to the threshold field (ex. Low Speed
AIS Alarm On), type the number of seconds the condition must ex-
ist before triggering an alarm (Alarm On) or the number of seconds
the condition must be absent to turn off the alarm (Alarm Off), and
then press Enter.
3. To enable redundancy switching, tab to the [Clear Lock] button and
press Enter. You can tab to this button only when redundancy
switching is locked.
The Redundancy Switch Status field displays “Normal” if not
locked, or displays “Locked Out” if locked. The [Clear Lock] but-
ton is only enabled if Status is “Locked Out”.
Viewing Events
Any occurrence in the MIX 56 system, whether initiated by a user or by the
system, is an event. You can view events in the Event Log, a screen that
displays the last 99 events.
MIX 56 by Telect MIX 56 Directory (Ctrl+D)
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Alarm Thresholds (in seconds)
Low Speed High Speed
--------- ----------
Alarm On Alarm Off Alarm On Alarm Off
-------- --------- -------- ---------
AIS: 999 003 AIS: 002 003
LOS: 002 003 RAI: 002 003
LOS: 002 003
OOF: 002 003
Alarm On Alarm On
-------- --------
ES-15 min: 065 ES-15 min: 025
ES-24 hr: 648 ES-24 hr: 250
SES-15 min: 010 SES-15 min: 004
SES-24 hr: 100 SES-24 hr: 040
Redundancy Switch Status: Normal
[Clear Lock]