Chapter 15: CATALOG, Strings, Hyperbolic Functions 413
Entering and Using Strings
Entering and Using StringsEntering and Using Strings
Entering and Using Strings
What Is a String?
What Is a String?What Is a String?
What Is a String?
A string is a sequence of characters that you enclose within quotation marks. On the
TI-84 Plus, a string has two primary applications.
• It defines text to be displayed in a program.
• It accepts input from the keyboard in a program.
Characters are the units that you combine to form a string.
• Count each number, letter, and space as one character.
• Count each instruction or function name, such as
sin( or cos(, as one character; the
TI-84 Plus interprets each instruction or function name as one character.
Entering a String
Entering a StringEntering a String
Entering a String
To enter a string on a blank line on the home screen or in a program, follow these steps.
1. Press ƒ
[ã] to indicate the beginning of the string.
2. Enter the characters that comprise the string.
• Use any combination of numbers, letters, function names, or instruction names
to create the string.
• To enter a blank space, press ƒO.
• To enter several alpha characters in a row, press y7 to activate alpha-