3Com 3C990BSVR Network Card User Manual

data encryption, see encryption
dedicated IP address 48
deleting or editing a VLAN,
Windows 50
DES 34
Desktop Management Interface (DMI),
overview 6
diagnostics program for DOS 75
Diagnostics program, starting 30
Diagnostics tab 92
diagnostics tests, running 92
diagnostics, offline 5
disabling encryption 41
disabling load balancing for a group,
Windows 50
creating 15
making a DOS boot 15
obtaining 15
display status command 69
group properties, Windows 51
NIC properties, Windows 51
DMI (Desktop Management Interface),
overview 6
3Com Configuration and
Diagnostics Program 75
boot disk 15
changing settings 77
configuration program, changing
settings 77
diagnostics program 91
driver installation requirements
NetWare 56, 107
Windows 21, 107
NetWare, installing 55
Windows 2000
installing 22
removing 87
Windows 95
Build 950, installing 27
installing 27
OSR2, installing 28
Windows 98, installing 26
Windows Me, installing 25
Windows NT 4.0, installing 23
duplex mode
configuring 76
default setting 73
duplex setting 73
Access server features
commands 69
configuration guidelines 66
adding NICs to a group 47
changing the primary NIC 50
creating a group 47
creating a VLAN 49
deleting or editing a VLAN 50
removing a NIC from a group 50
removing the NIC from a
window, defined 46
Windows 2000
accessing the program 46
installing 43
protocol bindings, modifying 44
Windows NT
installing 43
protocol bindings, modifying 44
starting the program 47
DynamicAccess server features
removing 89
verifying installation 44
DynamicAccess Software Setup
window 49
NIC properties, Windows 50
VLAN, Windows 50
efficient multicast control,
configuring 49
EIA/TIA 568 standards 98
encryption (3C990B NIC)
disabling 37
enabling 34
installing 36
overview 33
upgrading 37
encryption (Windows 2000)
binding a filter 40
binding a filter action 41
creating a policy 38
defining a Console 38
disabling 41
enabling 41
filter action, creating a 40
filter, creating a 39
environmental conditions 7
error messages, sending to NetWare
console 65
Error Tolerance 74
exclamation point (!) (yellow) in
Windows Device Manager 83
about 10
Advanced Server feature 9
fan speed 7
FAQs 83
flow control 8, 74
forced link 8
foreign NIC
defined 11
designating as primary 45
in NetWare groups 66
in Windows groups 45
frames, sent and received, viewing 95
frequently asked questions (FAQs) 83
fresh install
NetWare 107
Windows 2000 107
Windows NT 107
configuring 73
GARP Multicast Registration Protocol
specification (GMRP) 46
General tab 92
GRN/10 LED, troubleshooting with 81
group command 69
groups 9
adding NICs to
NetWare 66
Windows 47
adding, NetWare 67
configuring during NetWare driver
installation 62
displaying properties of,
Windows 51
removing NICs from, Windows 50
creating 47
disabling load balancing for 50
half-duplex, configuring 73
hardware, installation 18
heartbeat 7
heartbeat packets 5
help command, NetWare server
features 70
Help system, accessing 21, 82
Host ID 48
hot plug NIC installation 5, 8
HP OpenView Network Node
Manager 7
hubs, troubleshooting 87
icon, 3Com 94
IEEE 802.1p support property 45
3Com DMI Agent 100
Advanced Server software 43
broken 83
cleaning up broken 83
connecting to the network 19
creating 15
obtaining 15
DynamicAccess server software 43
failed, cleaning up 83
fresh install
NetWare 107
Windows 2000 107
Windows NT 107
hardware 18
hot plug 5