Black Box MD1640A Modem User Manual

APPENDIX G: V.25bis Operation
V.25bis Mode AT Commands
The following commands will either alter standard V.25bis behavior (so
you must be careful in their use) or they are not allowed, as indicated.
All other commands can be used in V.25bis operation.
A Not Allowed
A/ Not Allowed
A: Not Allowed
D Not Allowed
D...N Not Allowed
$D Alters Operation ($D1 in V25bis is direct call mode)
E Alters Operation
&F Alters Operation (removes modem from asynchronous
V.42bis mode)
N Not Allowed
N...N Not Allowed
O Not Allowed
P Not Allowed
T Not Allowed
U Not Allowed
W Not Allowed
X Alters Operation (X0 no connect message, X1 connect
, Not Allowed
; Not Allowed
! Not Allowed
@ Not Allowed
+++AT<CR> Not Allowed