Black Box MD1640A Modem User Manual

command or simply have your modem answer the call immediately
without waiting the regulation time before answering).
DTR Dialing ($D) Command
DTR Dialing is an alternate method of causing the Series II Modem to
automatically dial a number. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) is a signal
that comes into the modem from the terminal or computer to which it
is connected via pin 20 of the RS232 interface. In DTR Dialing, the
modem will automatically dial a stored number as soon as it receives a
high DTR signal. The DTR Dialing method is popular when using the
Modem in synchronous applications.
To enable DTR Dialing, enter the command AT$D1 and hit Return. The
modem will now dial the phone number you have stored as N0 when it
receives a high DTR signal (see the D...N command in Chapter 5).
DTR must remain high for the duration of the call, until disconnect.
To disable DTR Dialing, enter the command AT$D0 (or AT$D) and hit
When you use DTR Dialing, be sure that DIP-Switch #1 is in the UP
position, so that DTR is not forced on.
In addition, when using DTR Dialing in a synchronous application,
be sure that DIP-Switch #8 is in the UP position to disable V.25bis
Command mode.