• Cluster /var
• Member boot disk (one for each cluster member system)
• Quorum disk (if used)
If you are installing only the operating system, you need only the Tru64
UNIX disk (and of course any disks for applications). This document
assumes that both the base operating system and cluster software are to
be installed on Fibre Channel disks.
If you are installing a cluster, you need one or more disks to hold the Tru64
UNIX operating system. The disk(s) are either private disk(s) on the system
that will become the first cluster member, or disk(s) on a shared bus that
the system can access. Whether the Tru64 UNIX disk is on a private disk
or a shared disk, you should shut down the cluster before booting a cluster
member system standalone from the Tru64 UNIX disk.
An example configuration will show the procedure necessary to set up disks
for base operating system and cluster installation. Modify the procedure
according to your own disk needs. You can use any supported RAID level.
The example will be based on the use of four 4-GB disks used to create
two mirrorsets (RAID level 1) to provide reliability. The mirrorsets will be
partitioned to provide partitions of appropriate sizes. Disks 30200, 30300,
40000, and 40100 will be used for the mirrorsets.
Table 6–2 contains the necessary information to convert from the HSG80
unit numbers to /dev/disk/dskn and device names for the example
configuration. A blank table (Table A–1) is provided in Appendix A for use in
an actual installation.
One mirrorset, the BOOT-MIR mirrorset will be used for the Tru64 UNIX and
cluster member system boot disks. The other mirrorset, CROOT-MIR, will be
used for the cluster root (/), cluster /usr, cluster /var, and quorum disks.
To set up the example disks for operating system and cluster installation,
follow the steps in Example 6–2.
Example 6–2: Setting up the Mirrorset
Config Local Program Invoked
Config is building its table and determining what devices exist
on the system. Please be patient.
add disk DISK30200 3 2 0
add disk DISK30300 3 3 0
add disk DISK40000 4 0 0
add disk DISK40100 4 1 0
6–34 Using Fibre Channel Storage