Table 2–2: RAID Controller SCSI IDs (cont.)
RAID Controller Number of SCSI IDs Supported
2.7 SCSI Signal Converters
If you are using a standalone storage shelf with a single-ended SCSI
interface in your cluster configuration, you must connect it to a SCSI signal
converter. SCSI signal converters convert wide, differential SCSI to narrow
or wide, single-ended SCSI and vice versa. Some signal converters are
standalone desktop units and some are StorageWorks building blocks (SBBs)
that you install in storage shelves disk slots.
______________________ Note _______________________
The UltraSCSI hubs could probably be listed here as they contain
a DOC (DWZZA on a chip) chip, but they are covered separately
in Section 2.8.
The restrictions for SCSI signal converters are as follows:
• If you remove the cover from a standalone unit, be sure to replace the
star washers on all four screws that hold the cover in place when you
reattach the cover. If the washers are not replaced, the SCSI signal
converter may not function correctly because of noise.
• If you want to disconnect a SCSI signal converter from a shared SCSI
bus, you must turn off the signal converter before disconnecting the
cables. To reconnect the signal converter to the shared bus, connect the
cables before turning on the signal converter. Use the power switch to
turn off a standalone SCSI signal converter. To turn off an SBB SCSI
signal converter, pull it from its disk slot.
• If you observe any “bus hung” messages, your DWZZA signal converters
may have the incorrect hardware. In addition, some DWZZA signal
converters that appear to have the correct hardware revision may cause
problems if they also have serial numbers in the range of CX444xxxxx
to CX449xxxxx.
To upgrade a DWZZA-AA or DWZZA-VA signal converter to the correct
revision, use the appropriate field change order (FCO), as follows:
2–8 Hardware Requirements and Restrictions