102 omconfig system assetinfo: Editing Cost of Ownership Values
Example Commands for Adding Acquisition Information
To provide a value for an acquisition parameter, type a command of the form: omconfig system assetinfo
info=acquisition <name=value pair 2>. For example, type:
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasedate=122101
The following message appears:
Asset information set successfully.
You can enter more than one omconfig system assetinfo command at the same time, as long as all of the
parameters for name=value pair 2 belong to the same name=value pair 1. For example, if you want to
enter more than one parameter value for info=acquisition, use the following example as a syntax guide:
omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition purchasecost=5000
waybill=123456 installdate=120501 purchasedate=050601 ponum=9999
signauth="John Smith" expensed=yes costcenter=finance
The following message appears:
Asset information set successfully.
expensed=yes | no Whether the system is
charged to a specific purpose
or department such as research
and development or sales.
Date the system was put into
ponum=<n> Number of the document
that authorized payment for
the system.
purchasecost=<n> Price the owner paid for
the system.
Date the owner purchased
the system.
signauth=<text> Name of the person who
approved the purchase or the
service call on the system.
waybill=<n> Receipt from the carrier for
the goods received.
Table 5-1. omconfig system assetinfo info=acquisition (continued)
level 1
level 2
level 3
name=value pair 1 name=value pair 2 Use