Dell Command Line Interface Network Card User Manual

158 Using the Storage Management Service
Example Syntax
For example, to start the patrol read task on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=startpatrolread controller=1
NOTE: To be able to start patrol read, the current patrol read mode should be set to "Manual."
omconfig Stop Patrol Read
Use the following omconfig command syntax to stop the patrol read task on the controller.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=stoppatrolread controller=id
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.
Example Syntax
For example, to stop the patrol read task on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=stoppatrolread controller=1
NOTE: To be able to stop patrol read, the current patrol read mode should be set to "Manual."
omconfig Virtual Disk Commands
The following sections provide the omconfig command syntax required to execute virtual disk tasks.
NOTICE: The omconfig storage vdisk action=deletevdisk controller=id vdisk=id command deletes a virtual disk.
Deleting a virtual disk destroys all information including file systems and volumes residing on the virtual disk.
Table 8-22. omconfig Manage Virtual Disk Commands
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs
omconfig storage vdisk
action=checkconsistency controller=id vdisk=id
action=cancelcheckconsistency controller=id vdisk=id
action=pausecheckconsistency controller=id vdisk=id
action=resumecheckconsistency controller=id vdisk=id
action=blink controller=id vdisk=id
action=unblink controller=id vdisk=id
action=initialize controller=id vdisk=id
action=fastinit controller=id vdisk=id
action=slowinit controller=id vdisk=id