Dell Command Line Interface Network Card User Manual

72 omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service
You cannot default one value and set another. In other words, if you default the minimum warning
threshold value, you are also selecting the default value for the maximum warning threshold value.
Specify a Value for Minimum and Maximum Warning Thresholds
NOTE: Minimum and maximum warning thresholds for the fan probe cannot be set on PowerEdge
8xx and
x9xx systems.
If you prefer to specify values for the fan probe warning thresholds, you must specify the number of the
probe you are configuring and the minimum and/or maximum warning threshold values. In the following
example, the probe that is being configured is probe 0. The first command sets only the minimum
threshold; the second sets minimum and maximum thresholds:
omconfig chassis fans index=0 minwarnthresh=4580
omconfig chassis fans index=0 minwarnthresh=4580 maxwarnthresh=9160
When you issue the command and the system sets the values you specify, the following message appears:
Fan probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.
omconfig chassis fancontrol
Use the omconfig chassis fancontrol command to set fan speed. You can optimize speed for cooling or
for quiet operation. Table 4-7 shows the valid parameters for the command.
omconfig chassis frontpanel
Use the omconfig chassis frontpanel command to configure the Power button and the Nonmasking
Interrupt (NMI) button and to specify and configure the LCD line number.
NOTE: The Power and NMI buttons can be configured only if present on the system.
Table 4-8 shows the valid parameters for the command.
Table 4-7. omconfig chassis fancontrol
name=value pair Description
speed=quiet Sets fan speed for quiet operation.
speed=maxcool Sets fan speed for maximum cooling.