24 omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
alertaction U, P, A Shows warning and failure threshold values, as
well as actions that have been configured when
an essential component detects a warning or
failure state.
alertlog U, P, A Allows the administrator to show the alert log.
assetinfo U, P, A Shows cost of ownership information for
your system.
cmdlog U, P, A Allows the administrator to show the
command log.
esmlog U, P, A Allows the administrator to show the
hardware log.
events U, P, A Shows the system’s Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) event settings.
operatingsystem U, P, A Shows the name and version of your
operating system.
pedestinations U, P, A Shows destinations where alerts for platform
events are configured to be sent.
platformevents U, P, A Shows the system’s response for each listed
platform event.
recovery P, A Shows how your system is configured to respond
to a hung operating system.
shutdown P, A Shows how the shutdown action is to be
summary U, P, A Shows key facts for all system components,
including main system chassis, software, and
thrmshutdown P, A Shows what shutdown action, if any, is to be
taken when a temperature warning or failure
condition is detected.
version U, P, A Shows a summary for all updatable components
on your system.
rac U, P, A See "omreport rac: Viewing Remote Access
Controller Components."
Table 3-1. omreport Command Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 (continued)
level 1
level 2
level 3