omconfig rac: Managing the Remote Access Controller 131
omconfig rac rmsnmptrap
Use the omconfig rac rmsnmptrap command to remove an SNMP trap. Table 7-12 shows the valid
parameters for the command.
Example Command
The following example sets one name=value pair.
Ty p e :
omconfig rac rmsnmptrap ipaddr=
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
omconfig rac rmuser
Use the omconfig rac rmuser command to remove a user. Table 7-13 shows the valid parameters for
the command.
Example Command
The following example sets one name=value pair.
Ty p e :
omconfig rac rmuser username=jdoe
The following message appears:
Command Successful. Please reset RAC card!
Table 7-12. omconfig rac rmsnmptrap
name=value pair Description
ipaddr=<text> Specifies the IP address of entry which is to be deleted. This value
must be specified in dotted-decimal notation. If no IP address is
specified, an index must be specified.
index=<n> Specifies the index of the entry which is to be deleted. If no index
is specified, an IP address must be specified.
Table 7-13. omconfig rac rmuser
name=value pair Description
username=<text> Specifies the user name of entry which is to be deleted. If no user name is
specified, an index must be specified.
index=<n> Specifies the index of the entry which is to be deleted. If no index is
specified, a user name must be specified.