Using the Storage Management Service 139
omreport Global Information (Smart Thermal Shutdown Status)
omreport Battery Status
omreport Connector Status
Table 8-5. omreport Global Information Commands
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs Use
omreport storage globalinfo Displays whether smart thermal
shutdown is enabled or disabled. See
the "omconfig Global Enable Smart
Thermal Shutdown" command for
more information.
Table 8-6. omreport Battery Commands
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs Use
omreport storage battery Displays all batteries present on all
controllers on the system. (Some
controllers do not have batteries).
where id is the controller
number. For example:
Displays the battery on the specified
Table 8-7. omreport Connector Commands
Required Command Levels (1, 2, 3) Optional name=value pairs Use
omreport storage connector Displays all connectors present on all
controllers on the system.
NOTE: This command works only when
the controller id is specified.
where id is the controller
number. For example:
Displays the connector on the specified