FOCUS Enhancements MX-4DV Network Router User Manual

This appendix shows the icons assigned to each MX-4 DV transition, and identifies them by
Some transition descriptions use special terms and abbreviations to describe how the transi-
tions work.
(A) — The CURRENT source: the one on the screen before the transition begins.
(B) — The NEXT source: the one on the screen after the transition finishes.
Dissolve — One image fades away as another fades in.
Wipe — A simple window or boundary that reveals the underlying video. The video image
neither moves nor changes size.
Slide — Leaves the video full size but the picture moves with the transition.
Comp, Exp — (Compress, Expand) The video resizes to fit the window. Normally, the
entire picture scales to fill the window.
H, V — (Horizontal, Vertical) These refer to the direction in which the transition moves. For
example, a V wipe is a horizontal line that moves vertically up or down the screen. When the
effect runs in the forward (non-reversed) direction, vertical transitions move down the
screen and horizontal transitions move from left to right, unless otherwise indicated.
CW, CCW — ClockWise and CounterClockWise movement.
L, R, Ctr, T, B — Left, Right, Center, Top, and Bottom, respectively.
TLC, TRC — Top Left Corner and Top Right Corner, respectively.
BLC, BRC — Bottom Left Corner and Bottom Right Corner, respectively.
;” — Divides multi-step transitions. “/” indicates two actions that occur simultaneously.
* — The transition always uses a fixed direction when performed from frozen picture. They
are not affected by the REVERSE button.
# — The transition operates differently when performed from a frozen picture. Simpler
effects are substituted automatically.