FOCUS Enhancements MX-4DV Network Router User Manual

Choosing Transitions
The Preview screen contains the Transitions Menu. This menu contains icons and other informa-
tion for all MX-4 DV transitions. A blue highlight indicates the transition selected for the next
Select Transitions in the following ways:
ARROW keys – Simply use the arrow keys to highlight the desired transition.
NUMBER keys – The MX-4 DV assigns a unique number to every transition. The number
appears below the transition icon on the PREVIEW screen (in the following example, the
checkerboard transition is number 29). You can use the number to select a transition. (When
you select/highlight a transition in the menu, the MX-4 DV shows the transition’s speed and
direction. At this point, the transition number is no longer visible.)
Enter 106 using the number keys (press 1, then 0, then 6), then press OK to highlight the tran-
sition icon.
The MX-4 DV replaces the current Transitions Menu and shows the one that contains the tran-
sition you selected.
Press PLAY.
Using Transition Categories
The MX-4 DV categorizes transitions into five major groups — User, Basic, Edges, Shapes, and
Misc. You can access any category at any time by pressing one of the Transition Category buttons.
When you press one of the buttons, the content of the Transitions Menu (see “The Preview Screen”
on page 11) changes.
Press the
MISC. button. The Transitions Menu display a completely different set of transi-
tion icons.
Use the
ARROW keys to highlight a transition you’d like to see run.
PLAY or use the T-BAR to run the transition.
The USER transition category is slightly different from the others. It originally contains a default
set of transitions, each of which also exists in the other categories. You can “tailor” the content of
the USER category to your specific needs and preferences. You’ll learn more about this in later
Other Features
Refer to the rest of this User Guide to learn about the many additional MX-4 DV features, includ-
Transition Number 29