FOCUS Enhancements MX-4DV Network Router User Manual

Next — (SHIFT+4) Displays full-screen image of the NEXT input source. Transitions menu
not displayed.
Current — (
SHIFT+5) Displays full-screen image of the CURRENT input source. Transitions
menu not displayed.
Refer to “Display” beginning on page 69 for more information. Unless stated otherwise, this guide
assumes you are using the Standard preview.
Input Source Previews
A small, preview image from each input source appears in a separate window. Use the previews to
direct the action, position cameras, find a particular sequence on a video tape, and so forth. Input
effects can be viewed in the preview thumbnail images.
Active Source Highlights
You can have up to four input sources. The MX-4 DV labels the sources A, B, C, and D. (There is
also a fifth, built-in source — the mixer’s own background color generator.) All transitions start
with one source, called the CURRENT source, and end with another, called the NEXT source.
Colored highlights help identify one video source from another. Yellow highlights the CURRENT
video source (above the preview image), and green highlights the NEXT video source (below it).
The speaker icon (rather than a colored highlight) indicates the CURRENT and NEXT
audio selections.
The headpins icon identifies the channel to which the headphone output is currently
In addition to the highlights described above, indicator lights between the
buttons indicate the currently selected video sources.
Brief descriptions of the Transitions Menu, Highlights, and Indicators follow. For more detailed
information, refer to Chapter 5, Transitions.
A steady light identifies
the CURRENT video
source. A blinking light
identifies the NEXT video