FOCUS Enhancements MX-4DV Network Router User Manual

The MX-4 DV contains a Time Base Corrector (TBC) that ensures top quality results in your
productions. The TBC operates automatically at all times. You don’t have to do anything
special to use the feature.
TBC compensates for image “shifting” and “wavering” that occurs with many VCR’s, cam-
corders, and other video devices. It modifies the video signal so that all elements in the pic-
ture — lines, fields, frames, and individual dots (or, pixels) — appear on the OUTPUT
screen exactly where they should. This improves video signal quality significantly.
You can use the MX-4 DV TBC as a dedicated, two-channel device to induce time base cor-
rection on two separate channels. Set up your equipment as follows:
1 Set up the video devices normally — that is, make one the CURRENT source and make
another the NEXT source.
2 Press
DISPLAY so that the Preview screen shows the NEXT source. (See “Display”
beginning on page 69 for instructions.)
The CURRENT source appears on the Output monitor. So the two sources each appear on
separate monitors, and both have the benefit of time base correction.
While operating in Dual TBC Mode, the MX-4 DV can perform cut transitions as it nor-
mally does. Use the CUT buttons to change the CURRENT source — the one displayed on
the Output screen. Use the
NEXT buttons to choose the NEXT source — which appears on
the Preview screen.
Time code, closed captioning, and other data in the vertical interval should be added after
mixing (downstream from the MX-4 DV). This is necessary because dissolves and other
transitions mix the data signals, making them unreadable. The MX-4 DV might remove ver-
tical interval data from the sources, depending on how data has been added and the accuracy
of a source’s time base.