Management Commands Command Reference
7.5.9 LOCK Commands lock
This command locks the http access to the IBP and registers the passed “lock_identifier” with
this lock. When the lock is set, the Web-GUI presents a message that access to this IBP is
currently not possible, bcause it is managed by another application. Use the no form to restore
to default value.
lock <lock_identifier> [EXCLUSIVE]
no lock {<lock_identifier>|ALL}
< lock_identifier > - A alphanumeric string. (Range: 1-32 characters).
no - This command is used to restore to default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config lock_message
This command allows specification of the displayed message in the Web-GUI of IBP when a
lock is set. It must be possible to specify any HTML string. Use “lock_message default” to
restore default value.
lock_message {<message_string>| default}
< message_string > - A specify HTML string. (Range: 1-512 characters).
lock_message default - This command is used to restore to default value.
Default Setting
< message_string > : “This intelligent Blade Panel is currently managed by a Virtual IO
Manager. Therefore it is not possible to configure this module by the HTTP user interface.