Configuring the Switch
Console/Serial Link
Configuring the Switch
Console/Serial Link
From the switch console only you can configure the following console
terminal emulation and communication characteristics:
■ Enable or disable inbound Telnet access (default: enabled)
■ Enable or disable HP web browser interface access (default: enabled)
■ Specify:
• Terminal type (default: VT-100)
• Console screen refresh interval for statistics screens (the frequency
with which statistics are updated on the screen—default: 3 seconds)
• The types of events displayed in the console event log (default: all)
■ Customize the Console configuration for the PC or terminal you are using
for console access.
• Baud Rate (default: Speed Sense)
• Flow Control (default: XON/XOFF)
• Connection Inactivity Time (default: 10 minutes)
In most cases, the default configuration is acceptable for standard operation.
If you need to change any of the above parameters, use the switch console.
Note If you change the Baud Rate or Flow Control settings for the switch, you
should make the corresponding changes in your console access device. Oth-
erwise, you may lose connectivity between the switch and your terminal
emulator due to differences between the terminal and switch settings for these
two parameters.