HP (Hewlett-Packard) C100/110 Personal Computer User Manual

The Boot Console Interface
Displaying and Setting the Monitor Type
Displaying the Current Monitor Configuration
To display the current monitor configuration for your system from the Con-
figuration Menu of the boot console interface, follow the directions in
“Accessing the Boot Console Interface” earlier in this appendix. Once you
are in the Boot Console Interface Main Menu, type:
Main Menu: Enter a command or a menu > configuration
This places you in the Configuration Menu. From here type:
Configuration Menu: Enter command > monitor
The screen displays a list of the current monitors configured for your work-
Slot # HPA State Resolution Frequency Class
--------- ------- ---- ---------- --------- -------
graphics3 f4000000 Present Fixed
graphics4 f6000000 Empty
Current Console Path: core.RS232_.9600.8.none
Stable Store Console Path:GRAPHICS3
In this example, the graphics cards are configured as follows:
Graphics slot3 - CRX48Z
Graphics slot4 - Empty