System Overview
Important Information You Need to Note
Device file names for DDS drives at HP-UX 10.0 depend on the naming
conventions of the system on which you are installing them.
For installation on a system permitting long file names:
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#BEST AT&T style, best available density,
character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#BESTb Berkeley style, best available density
character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#BESTn AT&T style, no rewind, best available
density, character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#BESTnb Berkeley style, no rewind, best available
density, character entry.
For installation on a system requiring short file names:
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0 AT&T style, best available density,
character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0b Berkeley style, best available density
character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d#f0n AT&T style, no rewind, best available density
character entry.
/dev/rmt/c#t#d##f0nb Berkeley style, no rewind, best available
density, character entry.
IP Address and Subnetwork Mask Information
Get the IP address and the subnet mask information for your workstation
from either your System Administrator or your Network Administrator and
note them here:
IP address ____________________________________________________
subnet mask __________________________________________________