$HOME,, 209
absolute pathname,, 205
access permissions,, 205
active window,, 205
ANSI,, 205
ftp,, 26
rcp,, 26
rlogin,, 26
telnet,, 25
archiving data
listing files,, 75
restoring files,, 75
saving to a cassette,, 74
archiving data,, 74
argument,, 205
attachment unit interface (AUI),, 205
CODEC,, 10
converting dB to number significant
bits,, 11
electrical specifications,, 11
features,, 10
headphone jack, 7
input,, 10
microphone jack, 7
mute button, 7
output,, 10
volume control, 7
auto boot,, 198
auto boot, changing state,, 198
auto search,, 198
auto search, changing state,, 198
back up,, 205
bitmap,, 205
boot console
accessing,, 180
features,, 177
menus,, 177
boot console interface,, 205
boot ROM,, 205
boot,, 205
bootable media
searching for,, 183
bootstrap service,, 205
byte,, 205
CD-ROM disc
busy light during self test,, 59
mounting and unmounting,, 54
mounting using SAM,, 54
unmounting using SAM,, 57
CD-ROM disc,, 205
CD-ROM discs
caring for,, 44
CD-ROM drive
controls and features,, 41
description,, 41
troubleshooting,, 61
using device files,, 53
verifying operation,, 51
CD-ROM drive,, 206
CD-ROM media,, 44
CD-ROM,, 205
Central Processing Unit (CPU),, 206
child directory,, 206
click,, 206
cluster client,, 206
cluster node,, 206
cluster server,, 206
cluster,, 206
command argument,, 206
command interpreter,, 206
command option,, 206
command,, 206
/dev, 84
/etc/lanscan,, 22
/rfloppy, 84
/use/sbin/lanscan,, 22
all,, 202
auto,, 198
boot,, 181
cd,, 87
eisa,, 197
etc,, 36
fastboot,, 200
lanaddress,, 201
lp .vueprofile,, 34
man,, 25
mediainit,, 85
memory,, 194
path,, 185
pim,, 203
reboot,, 36
reset,, 184
rlogin,, 26
search,, 183
tar,, 74
configuration,, 206
connectors, system unit
audio,, 10
keyboard,, 12
power cord,, 14
SCSI,, 13
connectors, system unit,, 8
802.3 network,, 12
HP parallel I/O,, 12
ITF,, 12
PS/2 and mouse,, 12
serial I/O,, 12
control key sequence,, 206
controls, system unit
audio, 7
power LED,, 6
power switch,, 6
system LEDs,, 6
cpu,, 207
CRX color graphics,, 207
current directory,, 207
current working directory,, 207
cursor,, 207
daisy-chaining,, 207
data cassettes
cleaning heads,, 69
media life,, 68
media restrictions,, 69
ordering information,, 78
setting write-protect tab,, 69
data compression,, 65
data compression,using,, 74
DDS tape drive
controls and indicators,, 65
LED code warning conditions