The following 3 adapters require functional microcode to be installed:
Adapter Package
Control Unit Adapters Feature 2756 ESCON
Control Unit Feature 2755 BLKMUX
FDDI Adapters Features 2723, 2724, 2725, 2726 FDDI
These adapters might need updating to the latest level in their FLASH EPROM:
Adapter Package
SSA Adapters Features 6214, 6216, 6217, 7133 Drives SSAFLASH
SCSI Adapters Features 2412, 2415, 2416 ECA192
Note: The ECA192 instructions differ from the above and are included with the ECA192 Package.
Note: This procedure is similar to that used for performing software updates (PTF’s) to SP nodes. You
can Refer to “Performing Software Maintenance” in
Parallel System Support Programs for AIX:
Installation and Migration Guide
, GA22-7347, for a general idea of how to perform the installation.
1. Locate the diskette (either shipped with your adapter or obtained from the TOOLS disk.
2. Copy the adapter microcode to a temporary directory on the control workstation:
a. Insert the diskette in the control workstation diskette drive
b. Log on as
c. Select a name in a temporary directory to store the microcode image such as “/tmp/microcode” or
bffcreate -l -d /dev/fd0
This will list the contents of the diskette. Record the package name results (for example,
escon.cuu). This will be useful if you decide to store other adapter microcode in the same directory.
bffcreate -t /tmp/microcode -d /dev/fd0 all
This will copy the data to the designated directory and update a table of contents file (.toc)
3. NFS Export that directory to the nodes:
exportfs -i /tmp/microcode
4. Either use the dsh command to control one or more nodes directly from the control workstation, or
telnet to each individual node. (Commands in following steps would be executes as in the example, but
without the “dsh” prefix)
Note: Refer to
IBM RS/6000 SP: Administration Guide
for help on using dsh.
dsh -a "umount /mnt"
dsh -a "mount <control wks>:/tmp/microcode /mnt"
dsh -a "installp -qacXd /mnt all"
The “all” can be replaced by the individual microcode package as recorded earlier.
dsh -a "umount /mnt"
exportfs -u /tmp/microcode
Chapter 3. Service procedures 3-11