104 Software Developer’s Manual
EEPROM Interface
5.6.3 SerDes Configuration (Word 04h)
If this word has a value of other than FFFFh, software programs its value into the Extended PHY
Specific Control Register 2, located at address 26d in the PHY register space (see Table 13-47).
Note: SerDes Configuration (Word 04h) is a reserved area for the 82544GC/EI, 82540EP/EM, 82541xx,
and 82547GI/EI.
5.6.4 EEPROM Image Version (Word 05h)
Word 05h determines the EEPROM image version for the 82541xx and the 82547GI/EI.
5.6.5 Compatibility Fields (Word 05h - 07h)
These areas are reserved for compatibility information and are used by software drivers.
5.6.6 PBA Number (Word 08h, 09h)
A nine-digit Printed Board Assembly (PBA) number, used for Intel manufactured adapter cards,
are stored in a four-byte field. Other hardware manufacturers can use these fields as they wish.
Software device drivers should not rely on this field to identify the product or its capabilities.
3 Reserved Reserved for future use. Set this bit to 0b.
PCI bridge. Set this bit to 0b (default) to disable PCI bridge; set to 1b to
enable PCI bridge.
1b is the default setting for the 82540EP/EM.
1:0 Reserved Reserved for future use. Set these bits to 0b.
a. Not applicable to the 82544GC/EI or 82541ER.
Table 5-4. Software Compatibility Word (Word 03h)
Bits Name Value
15:12 EEPROM major version. 0000h
11:8 EEPROM minor version. 0000h
7:0 EEPROM fix. 00000000h