
GD82559ER — Networkin
In a LAN on Motherboard solution, the PCI power good signal is supplied by the system. In
network adapter implementations, the PCI power good signal can be either generated locally using
an external analog device, or connected directly to the PCI reset signal. In designs, that use both the
ISOLATE# and RST# pins of the 82559ER, the PCI power good signal should envelope
ISOLATE#, as shown below. For designs that use the PCI reset signal, the RST# pin on the
82559ER should be tied to the PCI power rail (through a 4.7
, and the PCI reset signal should
be connected to the 82559ER’s ISOLATE# pin.
In many systems, the PCI RST# signal is asserted low whenever the PCI bus is inactive. In these
systems, the 82559ER B-step device and later devices allow the ISOLATE# pin to be driven from
the PCI RST# signal. In this case, the ALTRST# pin on the 82559ER should be pulled high to the
PCI bus high voltage level. PCI Reset Si
The PCI RST# signal may be activated in one of the following cases:
Warm boot
Wake-up (B3 to B0 transition)
Set to power-down (B0 to B3 transition)
If PME is enabled (in the PCI power management registers), the RST# signal does not affect any
PME related circuits (in other words, PCI power management registers, and the wake-up packet
would not be affected). While the RST# signal is active, the 82559ER ignores other PCI signals
and floats its outputs. However, if AUXPWR is asserted, the RST# signal has no affect on any
While the 82559ER is in the D0, D1, or D2 power state, it is initialized by the RST# level. When
the 82559ER is in the D3 power state, the system bus may be in the B3 bus power state. In the B3
power state, the PCI RST# signal is undefined; however, the auxiliary power source proposal for
the PCI Specification, Revision 2.2 is for the PCI RST# signal to be an active low. Therefore, the
82559ER uses the PCI RST# similarly to the ISOLATE# signal in D3 power state. Following the
trailing edge of the PCI RST#, the 82559ER is initialized while preserving the PME# signal and its
According to the PCI specification, during the B3 state, the RST# signal is undefined.
The transition from the B3 power state to the B0 power state occurs on the trailing edge of the
RST# signal.
The initialization signal is generated internally in the following cases:
Active RST# signal while the 82559ER is the D0, D1, or D2 power state
RST# trailing edge while the 82559ER is in the D3 power state
ure 9. Isolate Si
nal Behavior to PCI Power Good Si
PCI power good signal
Required ISOLATE#
signal behavior