
Operator’s Guide
Printing File Print
The RP 30 Laser Printer only accepts jpg, bmp and uncompressed tif file formats.
Save any files created with Adobe Photoshop to one of these formats.
Digital cameras have Gamma values between 1.8 and 2.2. The RP 30 Laser
Printer prints with a Gamma of 1.8.
The maximum single file size is 110 MB (tif, bmp, jpg unpacked). Larger files will
not print.
Adjust the print size to the aspect ratio of the image (indicated by .... x .... pixels).
For extreme deviations, which the program can no longer process, the system
displays the error message File print parameter range violated.
Types of image/paper adjustment:
Fit image to paper
Fill print size
The quality of the prints depends on the relationship between resolution and print
size. The minimum acceptable resolution is approximately 100 pixels per cm (200
pixels per inch).
IMPORTANT: For images created with Adobe Photoshop:
Save files in tif, bmp, or jpg formats.
Use a Gamma value of 1.8.
Convert CMYK (additive colors) to RGB (subtractive).
6-12 KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 30 Laser Printer