TFTP Tab Field Descriptions
You must have a TFTP server running on any host that you are uploading or downloading files
TFTP file transfers send via UDP packets. When the packet delivery is interrupted for any
reason and a timeout occurs, that packet is resent if the retry count allows it. Therefore, if a
very large file is being transferred and is interrupted, the entire file is not resent, just the part
of the file that was not received.
Configure the following parameters:
The number of times the IOLAN will retry to transmit a TPFT packet to/from a
host when no response is received. A value of 0 (zero) means that the IOLAN
will not attempt a retry should TFTP fail.
Range: 0-5
Default: 5
The time, in seconds, that the IOLAN will wait for a successful transmit or
receipt of TFTP packets before retrying a TFTP transfer.
Range: 3-10
Default: 3 seconds