ThunderBird Avenger
PCI Audio SAA7785
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification
1999 Nov 12 23
JAB1 Joystick A Button 1 Interface
This pin functions as an input for the joystick A button 1.
JBB2 Joystick B Button 2 Interface
This pin functions as an input for the joystick B button 2.
JBB1 Joystick B Button 1 Interface
This pin functions as an input for the joystick B button 1.
MIDIIN MIDI Serial Data Input
This signal is part of the standard 2 wire MIDI interface. This input receives MIDI data at a rate
of 31.25Kbaud. Optical isolation is required.
MIDIOUT MIDI Serial Data Output
This signal is part of the standard 2 wire MIDI interface. This output transmits MIDI data at a
rate of 31.25Kbaud. Optical isolation is required.
SYNC AC’97 Codec Synchronization/Frame Output
This signal is used to frame the tag packet from the AC link designer from the SAA7785 chip.
BIT_CLK AC’97 Data Bit Clock
This signal is used to clock synchronous data on the AC link interface.
SDATA_OUT AC’97 Serial Data Out
This is the time division multiplexed serial output data stream from the SAA7785 controller.
SDATA_IN0 AC’97 Serial Data In Port 0
This is the time division multiplexed serial input data stream from the primary external AC’97
SDATA_IN1 AC’97 Serial Data In Port 1
This is the time division multiplexed serial input data stream from the secondary external AC’97