ThunderBird Avenger
PCI Audio SAA7785
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification
1999 Nov 12 43
TABLE 25 Subsystem ID - SUBSYSID (RO)
POR Value
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
POR Value
Bit Name R/W Function
15:0 SUBVEN_ID RO Subsystem Vendor ID. The Subsystem Vendor ID register allows the manu-
facturer to uniquely identify their board since more than one board OEM may
use the SSA7785 ThunderBird Avenger™ chip. The Subsystem Vendor ID
register is loaded by an external EEPROM via the Serial Configuration Port
after reset and before any access to the PCI configuration header. The PCI
target logic should force a retry if the Subsystem Vendor ID register has not
completed loading. The Subsystem Vendor ID is read only to the PCI inter-
face. If no external EEPROM is present, then the default Subsystem Vendor
ID is 1004h, that of Philips Semiconductors (VLSI).
PCI CFG 0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Offset 2Eh
POR Value
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
POR Value
Bit Name R/W Function
15:0 SUBSYS_ID RO Subsystem ID. The Subsystem ID register allows the manufacturer to
uniquely identify their board since more than one board OEM may use the
SSA7785 ThunderBird Avenger™ chip. The Subsystem ID register is loaded
by an external EEPROM via the Serial Configuration Port after reset and
before any access to the PCI configuration header. The PCI target logic
should force a retry if the Subsystem ID register has not completed loading.
The Subsystem ID is read only to the PCI interface. If no external EEPROM is
present, then the default Subsystem ID is 0304h, identical to the SSA7785
ThunderBird Avenger™ function 0 Device ID.