Printronix P3000 Series Printer User Manual

Type Edgeperforated, fanfold, 3 to 16 wide
Thickness Singlepart 15 to 100 lb. stock
Multipart 1 to 6part forms
Sheet Thickness
0.025 maximum
Drive Adjustable tractors (6pin engagement)
Slew Rate
8 per second maximum
On Backing
Onepart continuous perforated fanfold back form.
Labels must be placed at least 1/6 inch from the
fanfold perforation. Backing adhesive must not be
squeezed out during printing.
Sheet Size 3 to 16 wide, including the two standard
perforated tractor feed strips. A maximum sheet size
of 12 between top and bottom perforations.
Thickness Not to exceed 0.025 (including backing sheet)
Forms Control
SkipOver Perforation 1, 1/2, 2/3, 5/6 inch; Control Panel Selectable
Vertical Format Units (VFU) IBM Serial Matrix Vertical Tabs
Programmable PSeries EVFU
Dataproducts compatible direct access DVFU
Standard Printronix P/N 107463
Carbon Black
P/N 108506 OCR
Fabric Nylon, 1 inch x 60 yards
Metal reverses on each end
NOTE: Use only ribbons that meet the stated specifications.