P3000 Series Multinational User’
s Reference Manual
Alternate T
erminating Resistors, 7–5
ASCII Character Set, A–1
Attribute Set and Reset Codes, 6–3
Backspace, 6–7
Bell, 6–8
Bit Image Graphics, 4–1, 4–2
Density, 4–3
Plotting, 4–1, 4–2
Programming Format, 4–4
Sample Program, 4–5
Bit Image Mode
Double Density
, 6–10
Double Density Double Speed, 6–1
Quadruple Density
, 6–12
Single Density
, 6–9
Bold Print, 6–13
Bold Print Reset, 6–14
Cable Connections, 10–6
Cancel, 6–15
Carriage Return, 6–16
Centronics Parallel Interface, 7–3
Channel Assignments
DVFU, 5–7
EVFU, 5–2
Character Address Table, (Character Library), 9–4
Character Library Listing (Alphabetical), 9–14
Character Library Listing (Numeric), 9–6
Character Pitch
10 cpi, 6–17
12 cpi, 6–18
Selection, 6–57, 6–59
Character Set, ASCII, A–1
Character Set Select
ECMA–94 Latin 1 Extended, 6–27
Extended, 6–38
International, 6–25
Primary, 6–39
Select, 6–19
Select (Control Codes), 6–22
Select (Printable Symbols), 6–23, 6–24
Character Set Charts, Multinational
DEC Multinational, B–36
ECMA–94 Latin 1, B–25
Multinational, B–12
OCR–A, B–20
OCR–B, B–22
CHECK Indicator, 2–6
Printer, 8–1
Specifications, C–5
CLEAR Switch, 2–6
Clearing Memory
DVFU, 5–9
EVFU, 5–5
Attribute Set and Reset, 6–3
Cross Reference Control, 6–4, D–1
Combining Graphics and Text, 4–12
Command Lines, 6–3
OSET, 6–27
PSET, 6–25
PMODE, 6–57
LPI, 6–48
LINES, 6–42
INCHES, 6–41
Command Sets, (Protocol Modes), 2–2
Condensed Print, 6–28
Condensed Print Reset, 6–29
Configuration, 3–1
Control Panel Diagrams, 3–7
Factory Default V
alues, 3–4
Procedure, 3–5
Control Code
Cross Reference, D–1
Functions, 6–2
Header, 6–2
Reference Index, 6–4