5–Fibre Channel over IP
Configuring FCIP
ISR651101-00 J 5-5
To configure FCIP in the CLI:
1. From a command prompt, enter the fciproute add command.
2. Enable (or disable) the FCIP Interfaces FC & GE ports to be used by
the FCIP route.
3. At the FC Port prompt, enter the number corresponding to the FC port to
be used for this FCIP route.
4. At the GE Port prompt, enter the number corresponding to the GE port to
be used for this FCIP route.
5. At the IP Address prompt, enter the router’s GE port IP address (the
router being configured).
6. At the Subnet Mask prompt, enter the router’s GE port subnet mask.
7. At the Gateway IP Address prompt, enter the router’s GE port gateway
IP address.
8. At the Remote IP Address prompt, enter the remote (peer) router’s IP
9. At the MTU Size prompt, specify the maximum transmission unit (MTU),
either 0=Normal, 1=Jumbo, or 2=Other.
The MTU size is typically set to Normal (1,500 bytes). If all segments of
the WAN support jumbo frames (9,000 bytes), select Jumbo. The Other
option is typically used for WANs using encryption that requires the frame to
be less than 1,500 bytes due to encryption overhead.
10. At the TCP Window Size prompt, specify the window size for the WAN as
determined in “TCP Window Settings” on page 5-17.
11. At the Window Scaling prompt, enable or disable this setting. Window
scaling must be enabled when using a Window Scaling Factor (see
next step) greater than zero.
12. At the Window Scaling Factor prompt, enter a value from 0 through
9 as scaling factor, based on the TCP Window Size for the WAN
specified in Step 10 (see “TCP Window Settings” on page 5-17).
13. (Optional) Changing the TCP port number at the TCP Port No. prompt
should not be required. If you change this value, do not use a well-known
TCP port number. The TCP port numbers on both the local and remote
routers should be the same.