ISR651101-00 J Index-11
Installation Guide QLogic intelligent Storage Router (iSR)
6200 Series
qsrLunEntry B-12
qsrLunProdRevLevel B-13
qsrLunProductId B-13
qsrLunSize B-13
qsrLunState B-13
qsrLunTable B-12
qsrLunVendorId B-13
qsrLunVPGroupname B-14
qsrLunWwuln B-12
qsrMacAddress B-6
qsrNetMask B-6
qsrNwLinkRate B-6
qsrNwLinkStatus B-6
qsrNwPortAddressMode B-5
qsrNwPortEntry B-4
qsrNwPortIndex B-5
qsrNwPortRole B-5
qsrNwPortTable B-4
qsrSensorEntry B-16
qsrSensorIndex B-17
qsrSensorState B-18
qsrSensorTable B-16
qsrSensorType B-16
qsrSensorUnits B-17
qsrSensorValue B-17
qsrUpperThreshold B-17
qsrVPGroupEntry B-14
qsrVPGroupId B-15
qsrVPGroupIndex B-15
qsrVPGroupName B-15
qsrVPGroupStatus B-15
qsrVPGroupTable B-14
qsrVPGroupWWPN B-15
sensor B-16
virtual port groups (VPGs) B-14
definition of Glossary-9
discovery B-21
mapping B-22
mapping to initiator 1-3
online/offline B-21
presentation B-22
port number, FCIP 5-5
window settings, FCIP 5-17
window setup 5-22
window size 1-3
technical specifications A-1
technical support xix
connecting to new blade 7-7
definition of Glossary-9
logging into router 3-16
port, unblocking 5-15
router management 3-11
service availability 2-8
terms and definitions Glossary-1
time, event notification B-20
TOE module message C-33
trace route, support for 5-1
transceivers 1-14
installing 3-6
removing and replacing 7-1
authentication, enabling B-2
community, setting SNMP properties B-2
configuration, SNMP B-3
troubleshooting 6-1
unblocking ports in firewall 5-15
version number
hardware, showing B-19
software/firmware, showing B-19
virtual LAN, definition of Glossary-9
virtual logical area network (LAN), See VLAN
definition of Glossary-9
FCIP, configuring 5-6
definition of Glossary-9
enabling 4-2