C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-31
152137 sysTempMon: Slot 1 (R1) PCM Fan%d faulty User Info The left PCM (#1) is reporting a faulty fan.
152138 sysTempMon: Slot 2 (R2) PCM Fan%d faulty User Info The left PCM (#1) is reporting a healthy fan.
152139 sysTempMon: Slot 1 (R1) PCM Fan%d healthy User Info The right PCM (#2) is reporting a faulty fan.
152140 sysTempMon: Slot 2 (R2) PCM Fan%d healthy User Info The right PCM (#2) is reporting a healthy fan.
152141 sysTempMon: Over Temperature Front: %dC
Rear: %dC CPU1: %dC CPU2: %dC
User Info The router has detected an over-temperature, Front:
%dC Rear: %dC CPU1: %dC CPU2: %dC
152142 sysTempMon: Setting the fan speed to high User Info The fan(s) speed has been set to high.
152143 sysTempMon: Setting the fan speed to
User Info The fan(s) speed has been set to normal.
152144 sysTempMon: Temperature back to safe
value. Front: %dC Rear: %dC CPU1: %dC
CPU2: %dC
User Info The router temperature has returned to normal oper-
ating range, Front: %dC Rear: %dC CPU1: %dC
CPU2: %dC
152145 sysTempMon: Critical Temperature,
Shutting Down Front: %dC Rear: %dC CPU1:
%dC CPU2: %dC
User Info The router has reached a critical temperature ad is
shutting down, Front: %dC Rear: %dC CPU1: %dC
CPU2: %dC
172040 FcipRoute#%d: Cleaning FCIP Instance FCIP Error This is an informative message, not an error. This
indicates an FCIP was removed or modified.
172231 FcipRoute#%d: Did not get the keepalive
msg form remote peer
FCIP Error Connectivity with the remote peer has been inter-
rupted check the Ethernet cabling and path to the
remote peer.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message