Installation Guide QLogic intelligent Storage Router (iSR)
6200 Series
Index-6 ISR651101-00 J
object groups, sensor table B-16
object groups, system information B-18
sensor table B-16
tables B-3
mid-plane, definition of Glossary-6
migration, data 1-2
mounting the router 3-5
definition of Glossary-6
FCIP, configuring 5-5
N_Port (node port), definition of Glossary-6
network interface card, definition of Glossary-6
network port down notification B-21
network port table, MIB object group B-4
network time protocol, See NTP Glossary-6
NIC, definition of Glossary-6
NL_Port, definition of Glossary-6
loop port, definition of Glossary-6
port (N_Port), definition of Glossary-6
non-volatile random access memory, See
notifications, SNMP B-18
agent shutdown B-20
agent startup B-20
FC port down B-21
generic B-24
network port down B-21
objects B-20
qsrAgentShutdown B-20, B-21
qsrAgentStartup B-20
qsrDscTgtStatusChanged B-21
qsrEventTimeStamp B-20
qsrFcPortDown B-21
qsrGenericEvent B-24
qsrPresTgtMapped B-22
qsrSensorNotification B-22
qsrVPGroupStatusChanged B-22
sensor state B-22
target device discovery B-21
target presentation (mapping) B-22
virtual port groups (VPGs) B-22
definition of Glossary-6
router service 2-8
definition of Glossary-6
iSCSI port contains invalid data C-15
iSCSI processor failed diagnostic C-12
iSCSI processor invalid C-14
reboot timer failed C-12
object table, initiator B-9
notification B-20
qsrAgentVersion B-19
qsrEventDescription B-20
qsrEventSeverity B-20
qsrHwVersion B-19
qsrNoOfFcPorts B-19
qsrNoOfGbEPorts B-19
qsrSerialNumber B-19
qsrSwVersion B-19
system information B-18
OC, definition of Glossary-7
OC-1, TCP window sizes 2-5
definition of Glossary-7
TCP windows sizes 2-6
OC-3, TCP window sizes 2-6
online/offline targets B-21
optical carrier, See OC
parameters, SNMP B-2
password, SNMP default B-2
path, definition of Glossary-7
definition of Glossary-7