Triggering on Waveforms
TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Figure 3–46: Main Trigger Menu — Glitch Class
Select the Source. To specify which channel becomes the pulse trigger source:
Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Pulse (pop-up) ➞
Source (main) ➞ Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, or Ch4 (side). The source selected becomes
the trigger source for all four trigger classes.
Select the Polarity & Width. To specify polarity (positive, negative, or either) and
width of the glitch, do the following steps:
1. Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Pulse (pop-up) ➞ Polarity &
Width (main) ➞ Positive, Negative, or Either (side).
Positive looks at positive-going pulses.
Negative looks at negative-going pulses.
Either looks at both positive and negative pulses.
2. Press Width (side), and set the glitch width using the general purpose knob
or keypad.