TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Channel/probe deskew
A relative time delay for each channel. This lets you align signals to
compensate for the fact that signals may come in from cables of differing
Channel Reference Indicator
The indicator on the left side of the display that points to the position around
which the waveform contracts or expands when vertical scale is changed. This
position is ground when offset is set to 0 V; otherwise, it is ground plus offset.
The association of two or more circuits or systems in such a way that power
or information can be transferred from one to the other. You can couple the
input signal to the trigger and vertical systems several different ways.
Paired markers that you can use to make measurements between two waveform
locations. The oscilloscope displays the values (expressed in volts or time) of
the position of the active cursor and the distance between the two cursors.
Cycle area
A measurement of waveform area taken over one cycle. Expressed in
volt-seconds. Area above ground is positive; area below ground is negative.
Cycle mean
An amplitude (voltage) measurement of the arithmetic mean over one cycle.
Cycle RMS
The true Root Mean Square voltage over one cycle.
DC coupling
A mode that passes both AC and DC signal components to the circuit.
Available for both the trigger system and the vertical system.
Delay measurement
A measurement of the time between the middle reference crossings of two
different waveforms.
Delay time
The time between the trigger event and the acquisition of data.