February 2002 © TOSHIBA TEC 2 - 31 FC-210/310 ADJUSTMENT
(5) Enter code [253] and press the [START] key.
ৎ The upper limit value for main charger grid bias is displayed for each Y, M, C and K.
(6) Enter the sub-code (0: Y, 1: M, 2: C, 3: K) and press the [START] key.
(7) Enter a value according to the supplementary data sheet and press the [SET] or [INTERRUPT] key.
(8) Turn the power OFF.
< Settings for developer bias >
(1) Turn the power ON while pressing [0] and [5] simultaneously.
(2) Enter code [257] and press the [START] key.
ৎ The lower limit value for developer bias is displayed for each Y, M, C and K.
(3) Enter sub-code (0: Y, 1: M, 2: C, 3: K) and press the [START] key.
(4) Enter a value according to the supplementary data sheet and press the [SET] or [INTERRUPT] key.
(5) Enter code [258] and press the [START] key.
ৎ The upper limit value for developer bias is displayed for each Y, M, C and K.
(6) Enter the sub-code (0: Y, 1: M, 2: C, 3: K) and press the [START] key.
(7) Enter a value according to the supplementary data sheet and press the [SET] or [INTERRUPT] key.
(8) Turn the power OFF.
2.7.3 Settings after replacing transfer transformer
After replacing a transfer transformer, be sure to enter the data shown on the supplementary data sheet
(transfer bias) according to the procedure below.
<Settings for transfer bias>
(1) Turn the power ON while pressing [0] and [5] simultaneously.
(2) Enter code [367] and press the [START] key.
ৎ The lower limit value for transfer bias is displayed for each Y, M, C and K.
(3) Enter the sub-code (0: Y, 1: M, 2: C, 3: K) and press the [START] key.
(4) Enter a value according to the supplementary data sheet, and press [SET] or [INTERRUPT].
* Perform the operation in steps (3) and (4) for each of Y, M, C and K.
(5) Enter code [368] and press the [START] key.
ৎ The upper limit value for transfer bias is displayed for each Y, M, C and K.
(6) Enter the sub-code (0: Y, 1: M, 2: C, 3: K) and press the [START] key.
(7) Enter a value according to the supplementary data sheet, and press [SET] or [INTERRUPT].
* Perform the operation in steps (6) and (7) for each of Y, M, C and K.
(8) Turn the power OFF.