In the SMTP SMS Server field in the Alerts & Logging: SMTP &SMS menu, enter the IP address
of the outgoing mail Server
You may enter a Sender email address which will appear as the “from” address in all email
notifications sent from this Console Server. Some SMS gateway service providers only forward
email to SMS when the email has been received from authorized senders. So you may need to
assign a specific authorized email address for the Console Server
You may also enter a Username and Password as some SMS gateway service providers use
SMTP servers which require authentication
Similarly, you can specify the Subject Line that will be sent with the email. Generally the email
subject will contain a truncated version of the alert notification message (which is contained in
full in the body of the email). However, some SMS gateway service providers require blank
subjects or require specific authentication headers to be included in the subject line
Click Apply to activate SMTP
7.1.3 SNMP alerts
The Administrator can configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent that resides
on the Console Server to send Alerts to an SNMP management application:
Select Alerts & Logging: SNMP
Enter the SNMP transport protocol. SNMP is generally a UDP-based protocol though it
infrequently uses TCP instead.
Enter the IP address of the SNMP Manager and the Port to be used for connecting
Select the version being used. The Console Server SNMP agent supports SNMP v1, v2 and v3
Enter the Community name for SNMP v1 or 2c
To configure for SNMP v3 you will need to enter an ID and authentication password and contact
information for the local Administrator (in the Security Name)
Click Apply to activate SNMP