AMD Am79C930 Network Card User Manual

TIR28: RSSI Lower Limit
This register is the RSSI Lower Limit register. The value
in this register is compared against converted RSSI in-
put values. When the converted RSSI value is equal to
or exceeds the value in this register, then an indication
will be sent to the clear channel assessment logic.
Bit Name Reset Value Description
7 RSALT 0 RSSI Equal or Above Limit. When the converted RSSI input value
equals or exceeds the value in the RSSI lower limit register, then
the Am79C930 device will set this bit to a 1. When the converted
RSSI input value is less than the value in the RSSI lower limit regis-
ter, then the Am79C930 device will set this bit to a 0.
6–0 RLLT[6:0] 00h RSSI Lower Limit. The value in this register is compared against
converted RSSI input values. When the converted RSSI value
equals or exceeds the value in this register, then an indication will
be sent to the clear channel assessment logic.
TIR29: USER Pin Data
This register is the USER Pin Data register. This register
allows access to the USER[4:0] pins.
Bit Name Reset Value Description
7 USER7DL pin USER7 pin Data. The value that is written to this bit will be inverted
and then driven out to the USER7 pin of the Am79C930 device
when the system interface mode is PCMCIA and the USER7EN bit
of TCR14 is set to ONE. In all other cases, the value of USR7DL will
have no effect on the value of the USER7 pin. The value that is read
from this bit represents the inverted value of the USER7 pin of the
Am79C930 device at any time in any mode.
The complete control of the function of the USER7/IRQ11 pin is de-
scribed in the
Multi-Function Pin
6 Reserved Reserved. Must be written as a 0. Reads of this bit produce
undefined data.
5 Reserved Reserved. Must be written as a 0. Reads of this bit produce
undefined data.
4–0 USERDT[4:0] pin USER Pin Data[4:0]. The value that is written to any bit of this regis-
ter will be driven out to the corresponding USER pin of the
Am79C930 device when the corresponding USEREN bit of TCR14
has been set to a 1 and the PCMCIA pin is set to 1. The value that is
read from any bit of this register represents the current value of the
corresponding USER pin of the Am79C930 device regardless of
USEREN bit or PCMCIA pin settings.
The complete control of the function of each of the USER pins is de-
scribed in the
Multi-Function Pin
TIR30: Test Dummy Register
This register is the TEST dummy register.
Bit Name Reset Value Description
7–0 Reserved Reserved. Must be written as a 0. Reads of this bit produce
undefined data.