4 PDC 0 Power Down Command. When PDC is set to 1, the power down cy-
cle of the BIU power down state machine will begin. PDC will auto-
matically clear itself after completion of the power down operation.
3 SYSINT 0 System Interrupt. SYSINT Indicates a 1 after the system issues an
interrupt command to the 80188 core by writing to the INT2EC bit of
the GCR register (SIR0). SYSINT will become cleared to a 0 when
the 80188 core writes a 1 to SYSINT.
2 INT2SYS 0 Interrupt To System. When INT2SYS is set to a 1, an interrupt is
generated to the system, provided that the ECWAIT bit (SIR0[4]0 is
set to 0. INT2SYS will stay set at 1 until the system clears it by
writing a 1 to ECINT (bit 3 of SIR0). Writing a 0 to INT2SYS will have
no effect.
1 SYSINTM 0 System Interrupt Mask. When SYSINTM is set to a 1, system-gen-
erated interrupts (through the SYSINT bit of MIR0) are allowed to
be passed to the 80188. When SYSINTM is reset to 0, no
system-generated interrupts will be passed to the 80188.
0 PWDNDN 0 Power Down Done. When Power Down mode is completed, then
PWDNDN will automatically become set to 1 and an interrupt to the
80188 core will be generated. The 80188 core may clear the
PWDNDN bit by first writing a 1 to PWDNDN and then writing a 0 to
PWDNDN. Note that PWDNDN will read as a 0, after writing a 1 to
PWDNDN, but a 0 must still be written to PWDNDN in order to com-
plete the reset operation. If a 0 is not written to PWDNDN, then the
PWDNDN will be permanently held in reset.
MIR1: Power Up Clock Time [3:0] (PUCT)
This register is used to determine the length of time that
will be used to allow the CLKIN buffer circuit to power up
and stabilize before the end of the power down cycle.
The length of the power up phase will be the value of the
PUCT times 0.5 msec.
Bit Name Reset Value Description
7:4 PUCT[3:0] 0000b Length of the power up stabilization time for the CLKIN buffer cir-
cuitry. The resolution of the power up clock timer is in increments of
16x (Period of PMX). The nominal PMX1/2 crystal value is
32.768 kHz, resulting in a resolution of 16 x 31.25 µs = 500 µs.
3:0 Reserved – Reserved. Must be written as a 0. Reads of this bit produce
undefined data.
MIR2: Power Down Length Count [7:0] (PDLC)
This register is used to determine the length of power
down cycles. Before execution of the power down se-
quence, the 80188 core must load the PDLC counter.
Upon execution of the power down sequence, the PDLC
value will be counted down to zero and the power down
cycle will end.
Bit Name Reset Value Description
0 PDLC[7:0] 00h Lower 8 bits of the length of the power down cycle counter. The
resolution of the power down length counter is in increments of
PMX1/2 periods. The nominal PMX1/2 crystal Value is 32.768 kHz,
resulting in a resolution of 31.25 µs.