Universal Access in OS X
Take advantage of the Universal Access features in OS X when you use iTunes to sync information
and content from your iTunes library to iPad. In the Finder, choose Help > Help Center, then search
for “universal access.”
For more information about iPad and OS X accessibility features, go to www.apple.com/accessibility.
Minimum font size for mail messages
To increase readability, set the minimum font size for Mail message text to Large, Extra Large,
or Giant.
Set the minimum mail message font size: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Minimum
Font Size.
The Large Text setting overrides this minimum font size.
Widescreen keyboards
All built-in iPad apps show a larger onscreen keyboard when you rotate iPad to landscape view.
You can also type using an Apple Wireless Keyboard.
Closed captioning
Turn on closed captioning for videos: Go to Settings > Video > Closed Captioning.
Not all video content includes closed captions.
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Chapter 24 Accessibility